Title Rate Premium Calculator

Use this Title Calculator to estimate title insurance rates. Rates provided here do not include all fees that may be applicable such as endorsement charges. Rates for a variety of other types of coverages are available. For additional information or to verify qualifications for discounted rates, please contact your agency.

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Region & Policy
Select a State Region:
Select Policy Rate Method:
Input Data
Enter Owner Coverage Amount: $
Enter Mortgagee Coverage Amount: $
Enter Amount of Prior Mortgage or Owner Coverage:
if eligible for discount†
†To be eligible for the discounted rate, you must meet qualifications based on prior insurance, property type and/or other matters. Contact the company for further details.
Enter Date of Prior Loan in MM/DD/YYYY Format:
Calculated Data
Owner Premium:
if applicable
Mortgagee Premium:
if applicable
Total: $

Information provided herein and the above interactive title calculator is made available to you as a self-help tool for your independent use. We can not and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to contact our agency.

If you would like to feature this Title Calculator on your Web site, branded according to your company specifications, please contact Imperial Software Systems.

Created & Maintained by Imperial Software Systems